3D, Multimedia, & Graphic Designer
Phone: 732-581-3047
Email: savannahr357@gmail.com
Savannah Elizabeth
Design Philosophy: For me, there is no right or wrong way to make art, no single goal it should achieve, no particular thing it should be about. Art doesn’t have a single form, and no form is “better” or “more valid” than any other. It doesn’t have any particular meaning and shouldn’t need to. What art “is” is different for everyone. It has countless genres, countless mediums, and countless themes. I see art practically everywhere and in practically everything, and it’s all beautiful in its own way.
Theme Project: That is not to say, however, that art has no themes. The projects I am displaying here all have a common theme of text-based mixed media. This is an art style I discovered I quite liked in my first semester when making text animal illustrations in a typography class. Something about the use of geometric text to make illustrations of organic things like animals and people really strikes me as interesting. I therefore decided to use text for all the projects on this page, and as you’ll see, though I included animals, I also went beyond them.
"Elefont" Text Animal Project,
Designing With Type, Spring 2018
"Elefont" Project Revisted,
Advanced Studio II, Spring 2020
2D Theme Project, Professional
Practices, Spring 2020
3D Theme Project, Professional
Practices, Spring 2020
4D Theme Project, Professional
Practices, Spring 2020